The necessity of Manifesto of Yellowism / by Marcin Lodyga

The word "language" and "sentence", "grammar" etc. I use in this text only to metaphorically explain  the new context - yellowism. Yellowism should not be considered from linguistic perspective or only from linguistic perspective.
To perceive piece of yellowism as a piece of yellowism, you must first know the manifesto of yellowism. Manifesto of yellowism will be "visible" in each yellowistic chamber. Perhaps, in the future, manifesto presented on the yellow wall in the yellowistic chamber will be no longer necessary; everyone will know in what context is located when one sees the yellow walls around something resembling a work of art. But now the presentation of the manifesto on the wall of the yellowistic chamber is indispensable. 
Imagine that you accidentally crossed the border of a foreign country and you didn’t notice that; you didn’t see the information sign; there was no fence, no lines, etc. After a while you meet people who speak a foreign (totally different than yours) language and you already know that (perhaps) you are in another territory.
What happens if two “countries” use the same “language”? Imagine: you crossed the boundary of yellowistic chamber but you don’t know yet that this is a yellowistic chamber. The "language" seems familiar; you are even sure that you know this “language” very well and undoubtedly you are on contemporary art exhibition; “you are at home”. It is clear - some artist painted the walls yellow and putted some objects inside. But pretty soon, fortunately, you see the manifesto of yellowism on the wall. Manifesto from which you will learn that the examples of yellowism can look like works of art but are not works art. Now you know that you were wrong. You are not on an art exhibition.
Although you already know all the "words" and the whole "grammar" but you need to learn these things from scratch because in this "country" (Yellowism) all the possible expressions ("sentences") are about yellow. Therefore, this "new language" is very easy to learn, in fact, after reading the manifesto you already know this “foreign language" - each piece of yellowism is about yellow and expresses exactly the same as other pieces. It is simple. The truncated cow head with eyes painted turquoise blue hanging from the ceiling is about yellow and the video projection on which you see the white woman kissing a black man is about yellow; and next piece: the flag of North Korea stuck in the bread lying on the floor is also about yellow and nothing more. This is yellowism .
Another way to inform about this new context (yellowism) should be a little similar to the transfer of information via genetic code…